I T Bandwidth Services

Security for your Networks and Data
Security for your business's life blood is serious business today. If your company doesn't have a plan in place today, it is likely that your data or network can be compromised. There are many forms of attack that can bring your business to its knees, and make your customers subject to a hacker or DDoS attack that will hurt your business relationship.
ITBS brings the best solutions available to the table to keep your company's network and data safe from outsiders. Radware is a leader in attack detection and mitigation with a comprehensive line of appliaces and cloud services that can be implemented quickly. Many times, clients will choose a hybrid solution, employing the best of both worlds to keep their business running and not pay through the nose for protection.
HexiStor is a leader in Data Protection and Back-up. Again, employing a hybrid design of appliance and cloud services, these solutions for back-up and restore are priced attractively and can be implemented quickly to start working and protecting your business. HexiStor is PCI and HIPAA compliant, and has solutions that cater to these attributes for Hospitals and retail environments, as well as large enterprises.